The PATANJALI is the father of YOGA of meditation. Hatha yoga is concerned with only physical excursive excesses to make the body healthy and fit. Patanjali yoga text is to realize that your Spirit is immortal and part of the supreme spirit. When your thoughts are still, you will realize that Spirit is crystal clear and and free from material objects. We think that it is part of material nature, and subject to pain and sorrow due to attachments to senses. This attachment to the body for material attachment is the cause of sufferings. It drives its origin from English word YOKE, yoking or concentrating powers of the body on particular object to know the qualities and qualities of particular object. Yoga means “ cessation of turning of thoughts. The turning of thoughts are total mental process in the conscious, subconscious, and hyperconscious state of a person. For practitioners , to achieve the goal of knowledge is to still the mind. Patanjali described following eight components in Yoga practice for “ Cessation of turning of thought.
3. The Spirit, Self / Seers abides in its material nature. Spirit/ Self is different from the body and the mind. Spirit is eternal, changeless and indestructible where as material mind is destructible. Spirit/ Self is pure and clear like a crystal water. 4.Where as Spirit/Self present in the material mother nature assumes the forms of mental objects. 5. The thoughts of minds are of five kinds. a). Correct knowledge / Right knowledge. b) Incorrect knowledge / Misconception. c) Imagination / Verbal delusion. d) Sleep. e) Memory.
6. The thoughts can be controlled by practice and non-attachment.
7. Practice is the steadiness of mind. Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended for a long time without break and with great earnestness.
8. The mastery of self/spirit for not craving the objects that are seen or experienced comes from non-attachments for the objects.
9 Where there is no thirst/desire even for the yogic powers, due to the realization that the supreme lord lives in the hearts of every being, that is non-attachment.
10. Contemplation / Samadhi is achieved through distinguishing gross objects like the sun moon, star, earth, and the body, and subtle objects like Ego, mind, and intelligence.
11. By strong practice for the cessation of thoughts on gross and subtle objects, only subliminal impressions remain. This can be waved by another form of pure contemplation. Even the subtle elements, ego, mind, and mine vanished with pure contemplation. No existence of past seeds is left on the mind.
12. For the gods and men without physical bodies, but still enmeshed in the material nature, the cessation of thought is limited by reliance on the physical material world.
13. For others, Pure contemplation can come through faith, memory, and wisdom.
14. To the keen practitioner, this contemplation comes very quickly.
15. The time necessary for success further depends on whether it is slow, medium, or intense.
16. Cessation of turning of thought can also come for worshipping the Lord of yoga.
17. The Lord of yoga is different from the Self/spirit, unaffected by the time and forces of corruption of thoughts, actions, and fruits of actions.
18. In the lord of Yoga is an incomparable seed of omniscience.
19. Being unconditioned by the time, Heis the teacher of even ancient teachers.
20. His sound is reverberating syllable AUM.
21. Repeating of syllable AUM reveals its meaning.
For Westerners, words can be supreme lords, and meditation on any word which is easy and repeat.
22. From the practice of the sacred word, AUM, all the obstacles disappear, and the draw the the knowledge of Self/ Spirit.
23. The obstacles to the distraction of thoughts are disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, indolence, dispassion, false vision, and failure to attain a firm basis in Yoga.
24. These distractions are further accompanied by frustration, irregular breathing, and trembling of the body.
25. The practice of concentrating on the single truth is the means to prevent these distractions.
26. Tranquility of thought comes from friendship, happiness, compassion, and equality in pleasure and pain, friend and enemy.
27. Or thought is measured in inhalation, retention, and exhalation of the breaths.
28. Or when the activity arises in the sense world, it is held still.
29. Or when thought is luminous, free from pain and sorrow.
30. Or thought foundation is knowledge from dreams and sleep.
31. Or through meditation on the gross and subtle objects.
Gradually one's mastery in meditation extends from the smallest atoms to the greatest objects.
32. The cause of suffering is the connection between Spirit and Matter.
33. The material nature/ matter is of three kinds, consisting of elements, senses, sense organs, and subtle elements whose purpose is to provide both actions and liberation.
34. The Spirit / Self is nothing but the power of seeing, which although pure, appears to see the matter through the mind.
35. The material nature / seen exists only for Spirit/ Self.
36. Even if the material world ceases to exist for the Spirit / Self who has realized the Absolute truth / Liberation, it continues to exist because it is common to other spirits.
37. The union of Spirit/self and material nature causes the recognition of both qualities and powers of them.
38. This cause of union is ignorance, who fail to identify Spirit as immortal and matter as mortal. Without such a union, what exists is indestructible Spirit
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