Awaken Your Mind, Body, and Soul

Find Harmony through Meditation

Welcome to Discover the transformative power of yoga and meditation in your journey towards self-realization. Our website is dedicated to providing you with a wealth of resources and guidance on various meditation techniques, mindfulness practices, and the ancient wisdom of yoga. Here, you will find a sanctuary for the mind, body, and soul as you embark on a path of self-discovery and inner peace. Join our community and explore the profound benefits of meditation for physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Start your journey towards enlightenment today! About text. 369 characters long
Welcome to your ultimate destination for exploring the transformative power of meditation and yoga. With a passion for spiritual growth and self-realization, our team at is dedicated to providing you with the tools, resources, and guidance to embark on a profound journey within. Embrace the ancient wisdom of yoga and meditation, and discover the immense benefits they offer for your mind, body, and soul. From guided meditation practices to informative articles, insightful videos, and a supportive community, is here to empower you on your path to inner peace and self-discovery. Join us today and uncover the true essence of meditation as you embark on a transformative journey towards self-realization.
Welcome to your serene destination nestled in the digital realm of tranquility and self-discovery. Guided by the calm wisdom of Ram Singh, a devoted spiritual guide, this site illuminates the path to inner peace through the ancient art of meditation. Merging the timeless Yogic practices with the convenience of modern access, offers a haven for those seeking to reconnect with their essence and embark on a journey towards self-realization. Join us in embracing the quietude that paves the way to true understanding and the awakening of one's highest potential.
  1.  By practicing contemplation on the three stages of the thoughts, comes the knowledge of the past and future.
  2. By practicing contemplation on the words and sounds of any being or animal, knowledge of its meaning is obtained.
  3. By direct perception through perfect contemplation on one’s mind, knowledge of the past birth is obtained.
  4. By direct perception of the thoughts of others, one knows other thoughts.
  5. By the perfect discipline of immediate and remote actions and from the omens, one knows death.
  6. By perfect discipline of friendship, compassion, happiness, and impartiality, one has their strength.
  7. By perfect discipline of one’s body form, one can become invisible by paralyzing the power to perceive one’s body and blocking the contact of light from one’s eyes.
  8. In the same way, the disappearance of the sound is possible.
  9. By the perfect discipline strength of animals such as an elephant, one gains that strength.
  10. With perfect discipline in one’s mind action, one knows which is minute, hidden, and distant.
  11. With perfect discipoline on the sun, one knows about the universe. 
  12. With perfect discipline on the moon, one knows about the arrangements of stars. 
  13. With perfect discipline on the Plorar star, one knows about the movement of stars. 
  14. With the perfect disicpline on the naval, one knows the body arrangements
  15. With the percffect disicpline on the cavity of the throat, hunger and thirst are subdued.
  16. With the perfect dsicpline on the toritoise vein (vein below the throat) one becomes steady.


17. With intution, one knows everything.
18.With perfect discipline of one,s body form, one can become invisible by paralyzing the powers to perceive one,body and blocking the contacts of light from one,s eyes.
19.With direct perception of mental process,one has the knowledge of other thoughts.
20.With the perfect displine of friendship, compassion, joy and impartaility, one has thier strenght.
21.with oerfect discpline of intution, one knows everything about other.
22.with the perfect discipline of ones heart, one has the knowledge of ones thoughts.
23,With the mastery of vital breath ( Udana Prana ) rising in the body, one does not sink in the water.
24.With the mastery of Fire breath in the belly, one acquires a fiery radiance.
25.With perefect discipline of relation between body and space, ones body is light as cotton, one can ove through the soace.
26.With the perfect discipline of contemplation of gross and subtle aspects of matter, one attains master over them.
27.With the bodily discipline perfection comes beauty, strength and glow on the face.
28. With contemplation on the single moments in the sequence, comes discriminative knowledge.
Awakening your spritual journey.

Meditation-yoga helps serenity and stillness of mind, and help a person a deep sense of peace and calm throught meditation.Meditation reduce stress , anxiety and depression and further proper inhalation and exlation of breaths cut down tiredness and asist in good decision making.
Yoga is restraint of thoughts of mind, stillness of mind. Then Self, knower abide in its own nature, which is different from body and mind. Self / spirit is enternal, indestructible, immeasurable where matter is destructible and changes in every second. Mind is changing in every second and thoughts are rising and always thinking and running after the senses. All actions done intentailly or unintentailly has traces in the faculty of mind is called memory.
When the thought is still, self / spirit stand in its own nature, crystal like water, different from the matter. It observed the objects near and thought of mind and refelects its nature according to the faculty of mind. Self / seer thinks that self and body are one and that is cause of pain and sorrow. Due to presence of Ego Self thinks mine wife, mine children, mine wealth and I am doer of all things, whereas it is only illusion. It exists in the form of mental thought.
The veil of ignorance can be remove though proper meditation of the Self. Moral principles, observances, breath control, belief on you God and scriptures and with ascetice practice, ignorance is melted and one can enjoy limitless bless and liberation.

Easy Path To Supreme Lord
The Author in this web prescribed easy and attainable steps for meditation to Supreme Lord and liberation.To cross the path of pain, sorrow, addictions and anxiety is to follow meditation.Easy and only path to reach the Supreme lord is through meditation and cross the other obtacles of life.
Why we are born ? where we go after the death ? Is Heaven and Hell Exists ? What is reward for our Actions ? and is Liberation is possible in this world ? , these are the questions come in to our mind and need perfect answer. Author explain every thing come to our mind in other tutorials and vedios and easy to follow, practice and understand is the fast running society.
In berief, easy steps to supreme lord and liberation is to practice meditation. The easy steps are-
Moral Priciples which are Non violence, Nonstealing, non greed, Celibacy and Truthfullness.
Practice observances like Purification of body, Purification of thoughts, Contentment, Ascetice practice to control the senses, Study of spiritual books , Breath Exercises and complete surrender to the Supreme Lord. By practice and non attachment, mind can be controlled which is always running after the senses. Slow and steady in daily life to practice all above mentioned priciples and meditation, One achieve Supreme Lord.



The PATANJALI is the father of YOGA of meditation. Hatha yoga is concerned with only physical excursive excesses to make the body healthy and fit. Patanjali yoga text is to realize that your Spirit is immortal and part of the supreme spirit. When your thoughts are still, you will realize that Spirit is crystal clear and and free from material objects. We think that it is part of material nature, and subject to pain and sorrow due to attachments to senses. This attachment to the body for material attachment is the cause of sufferings. It drives its origin from English word YOKE, yoking or concentrating  powers of the body on particular object to know the qualities and qualities of particular object. Yoga means “ cessation of turning of thoughts. The turning of thoughts are total mental process in the conscious, subconscious, and hyperconscious state of a person. For practitioners , to achieve the goal of knowledge is to still the mind. Patanjali described  following eight components in Yoga practice for “ Cessation of turning of thought.

  1.  The instructions on yoga are being made.
  2. The stillness of turning of thought is yoga.

 3.  The Spirit, Self / Seers abides in its material nature. Spirit/ Self is different from the body and the mind.  Spirit is eternal, changeless and indestructible where as material mind is destructible. Spirit/ Self is pure and clear like a crystal water. 4.Where as Spirit/Self present in the material mother nature assumes the forms of mental objects.  5.   The thoughts of minds are of five kinds.  a).  Correct knowledge / Right knowledge.  b)   Incorrect knowledge / Misconception.  c)   Imagination  / Verbal delusion.  d)   Sleep.  e)   Memory.

6.  The thoughts can be controlled by practice and non-attachment.

7.  Practice is the steadiness of mind. Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended for a long time without break and with great earnestness.

8.  The mastery of self/spirit for not craving the objects that are seen or experienced comes from non-attachments for the objects.

9  Where there is no thirst/desire even for the yogic powers, due to the realization that the supreme lord lives in the hearts of every being, that is non-attachment.

10. Contemplation / Samadhi is achieved through distinguishing gross objects like the sun moon, star, earth, and the body, and subtle objects like Ego, mind, and intelligence.

11. By strong practice for the cessation of thoughts on gross and subtle objects, only subliminal impressions remain. This can be waved by another form of pure contemplation. Even the subtle elements, ego, mind, and mine vanished with pure contemplation. No existence of past seeds is left on the mind.

12. For the gods and men without physical bodies, but still enmeshed in the material nature, the cessation of thought is limited by reliance on the physical material world.

13. For others, Pure contemplation can come through faith, memory, and wisdom.

14. To the keen practitioner, this contemplation comes very quickly.

15.  The time necessary for success further depends on whether it is slow, medium, or intense.


16.  Cessation of turning of thought can also come for worshipping the Lord of yoga.

17.  The Lord of yoga is different from the Self/spirit, unaffected by the time and forces of corruption of thoughts, actions, and fruits of actions.

18. In the lord of Yoga is an incomparable seed of omniscience.

19. Being unconditioned by the time, Heis the teacher of even ancient teachers.

20.  His sound is reverberating syllable  AUM.

21. Repeating of syllable AUM reveals its meaning.

For Westerners, words can be supreme lords, and meditation on any word which is easy and repeat.

22.  From the practice of the sacred word, AUM, all the obstacles disappear, and the draw the the knowledge of Self/ Spirit.

23.  The obstacles to the distraction of thoughts are disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, indolence, dispassion, false vision, and failure to attain a firm basis in Yoga.

24. These distractions are further accompanied by frustration, irregular breathing, and trembling of the body.

25.  The practice of concentrating on the single truth is the means to prevent these distractions.


26.  Tranquility of thought comes from friendship, happiness, compassion, and equality in pleasure and pain, friend and enemy.

27.  Or thought is measured in inhalation, retention, and exhalation of the breaths.

28.  Or when the activity arises in the sense world, it is held still.

29.  Or when thought is luminous, free from pain and sorrow.

30. Or thought foundation is knowledge from dreams and sleep.

31. Or through meditation on the gross and subtle objects.

Gradually one's mastery in meditation extends from the smallest atoms to the greatest objects.


32. The cause of suffering is the connection between Spirit and Matter. 

33. The material nature/ matter is of three kinds, consisting of elements, senses, sense organs, and subtle elements whose purpose is to provide both actions and liberation.

34.  The Spirit / Self is nothing but the power of seeing, which although pure, appears to see the matter through the mind.

35.  The material nature / seen exists only for Spirit/ Self.

36.  Even if the material world ceases to exist for the Spirit / Self who has realized the Absolute truth / Liberation, it continues to exist because it is common to other spirits.

37.  The union of Spirit/self and material nature causes the recognition of both qualities and powers of them.

38.  This cause of union is ignorance, who fail to identify Spirit as immortal and matter as mortal. Without such a union, what exists is indestructible Spirit

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